Sunday, January 6, 2013

Pancakes, Star Wars, Utini!

After a night up with the Jossy Bear

I needed to simply remember my favorite things this morning.  And those things are Pancakes, and Star Wars.

This Christmas my lovely wife gave to me Williams Sonoma Star Wars Pancake Molds. What more could a Star Wars geek ask for besides a fully functional lightsaber and the ability to harness the Jedi Mind Trick?

Here's what I'm working with this morning in terms of gredients.
The original recipe is for fluffy buttermilk pancakes.
First, make buttermilk if you don't keep it in the house. 
Add 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar to 3/4 cup milk. 
 Let sit 5 minutes or so.

While this is going on, melt 2 Tbsp unsalted butter on low heat.

Next up, whisk together 1 cup all-purpose flour, 1 tsp baking power, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 2 Tbsp sugar, 1/4 tsp salt.

I also add good buddies nutmeg and cinnamon in no particular ratio.
All this mixing and whisking has given the buttermilk enough time to sour.  Add the egg and cooled melted butter, whisk!
Since these are going to be pancakes from a galaxy far, far away, I do something out of this world and add grated orange peel.

Now we're ready to make the batter.  Slowly add the flour mix to the milk mix.  Fold in the flour.  That's just like it sounds, take a spatula and fold the flour and milk mix.  It's fine if the mix is lumpy, what's not fine is a runny mess.
Before pouring into the molds, be sure to hit those molds with a spray of oil.  Be generous and get into every crevice.  The batter will stick to the mold otherwise.

And that's that.  The Tie-Fighter didn't do so well but in the movies they never do.

The Falcon got a little singed, that's my interpretation as to how it looked after blowing up the second Death Star.

Star Wars and pancakes, just a few of my favorite things.

What are your favorite combinations?


  1. I have to say that they came out soooo cute!

    1. They did, the orange zest was fantastic and I didn't use much. Next time I need the batter to be less thick. Thanks for the comment, Sara!
